5 best spice and herbs blends for chicken and meat | The Waterfront Market

5 best spice and herbs blends for chicken and meat



Chicken and beef are versatile in any cuisine; however, some might find difficulty finding the perfect herbs and spices to make your chicken or beef dish stand out. Here is a list of spice and herb blends that will help you spice up the flavour of your chicken and meat recipes.

Paprika and garlic powder

Paprika is a great spice that makes any chicken dish stand out, it comes in many forms sweet, hot, regular and smoky. Adding paprika to chicken gives it an irresistible savoury and warm flavour. Garlic is a universal spice found almost in every cuisine. Garlic basically works with any chicken dish whether you’re planning on making a warm bowl of chicken soup, a fiery chicken curry or a tangy chicken alfredo. Adding both spice blends will add a thrilling aromatic touch that will help elevate your dish and take it to the next level.

Basil and rosemary

This delicate spice can be paired with any beef dish. It gives an interesting sweet and refreshing flavour, making a hearty meat dish brighter and delicious. This aromatic herb also comes with many health benefits, it is a great source of iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Rosemary enhances the flavour of many lamb and beef dishes, just place a few sprigs of fresh rosemary or sprinkle dried rosemary on top of the meat before roasting. Basil and rosemary make a great marinade ingredient for Mediterranean-style meat dishes but be careful when adding rosemary because this rich herb can overpower the flavour of your meat dish so use it wisely.

Ginger and lemongrass

No Asian or Indian chicken dish would be complete without this sweet and peppery spice. It is often the star of dishes such as chicken stir-fry, butter chicken and spicy chicken tikka masala. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can improve the immunity of the body. Indigenous to southeast Asia, lemongrass is a star ingredient in Vietnamese and Thai cuisines especially in soups and noodle dishes. If you are looking to cook a fresh and flavorful Asian chicken dish, then ginger and lemongrass are the prefect spice blends to use.

Turmeric and chili

This bright yellow rich spice is commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. It’s the essence of every chicken curry, stew and roast dish. However, make sure to be extra careful when you sprinkle turmeric into your dish because the bright yellow colour will stain everything, from clothes to cooking utensils. If you want to balance out your turmeric-based dish, then chili powder is the right spice to use. This fiery spice is also packed with vitamin C which helps boost immunity and can heal injuries and infections.

Coriander and cumin

Coriander seeds give any chicken dish a bright citrusy flavour, it is mostly used in a range of Asian, Middle Eastern and Latin dishes. Coriander pairs well with chicken curries or a quick nutritious chicken lettuce wrap. Cumin is greatly present in Mexican dishes; no chicken enchilada or chicken quesadilla dish is complete without this earthy spice. Coriander and cumin are a great spice blend to experiment with when preparing chicken dishes, here is your chance to bring something new to the dinner table.

Now that you know the most common spice blends that perfectly tie any chicken or beef meal, it’s time to get cooking. But first head to the Waterfront Market and pick up fresh spices and herbs to season your meal. The Waterfront Market offers the widest selection of aromatic and vibrant spices and herbs.